Workforce Frontiers

We know that the future of work is upon us–AI, robotics, global markets and online innovations are driving massive changes. So, what about workforce development? This event explores the boundary-busting, outer reaches of workforce development where job quality, equity, outcomes and opportunity take center stage.

The program is presented by The San Diego Workforce Partnership which is committed to advancing new ideas and trailblazing daily to remain on the cutting edge of these critical shifts that shape how we work and thrive.

Watch Workforce Frontiers Symposium

Engaging K-16 Students in Lifelong Learning

“Why does lifelong learning have to start at 25 when we can instill this at an earlier age?” asks Edward Abeyta, Associate Dean, Community Engagement and Pre-College Programs at UC San Diego Extension. Being engaged in learning no matter the educational or career path you choose is vital to obtaining the skills and mindset you need to succeed. Abeyta outlines the programs UC San Diego is driving to engage K-16 students in not only thinking about their futures but building a skillset that can take them there. Hear how communities, industries and universities are working together to pilot programs that prepare students for college and careers.

Watch Career Ready and College Ready: Helping K-16 Students Succeed with Ed Abeyta – Job Won

Job Won: Jump Start Your Job Search

Whether you are looking to make a career transition or interviewing for your first job, UCTV’s Job Won series has the information you need. Experts in networking, resumes, the global job market and more join host Phil Blair, Executive Officer of Manpower West, to discuss skills and strategies all jobseekers should have in their back pocket.
Learn how to sell yourself in an interview, how to approach your first networking event, and where the jobs are now. Job Won highlights the essentials to help you build a career you’re passionate about.

Browse more programs in The Career Channel

Landing a Job in Engineering

Getting hired is hard. From finding the right position, to getting a call back, to acing the interview – each step presents its own challenge. There is so much advice out there, but who better to listen to than two senior level managers at San Diego companies?

Silvia De Dea from ASML and Janet Koenig from Cubic Transportation Systems sat down with Startup San Diego’s Neal Bloom to share their insights into getting hired, and growing your career. In addition to great technical skills, both agree communication is more important now than ever before. Koenig and De Dea go into detail about how you can show off your communication skills, even if you’re an introvert, by properly preparing for your interview. In this enlightening conversation, the pair also discusses how to advance your career, while staying open to new opportunities.

Watch Getting Hired: A Manager’s Perspective – Career Transitions in Engineering: Insights from the Field

Your Career Journey


There are many paths to finding the career that makes you excited to go to work every day. Mary Walshok, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor, Public Programs; Dean, UC San Diego Extension explains how your personal and cultural values can shape your career journey. Andy Kieatiwong shares his story of going from student to CEO and how leveraging your college experiences can set you up for success.


Changing the Way We Work with Mary Walshok

Building Rockets, Building Careers with Andy Kieatiwong