Social Media and Your Job Search

What do photos of your wild spring break trip and poorly defined career objectives have in common? Neither belong on LinkedIn. Your online presence should tell the story of who you are and where you want to be.

Linda Sierra of Toft Group has extensive experience as a recruiter and human resources professional. She shares how to get your resume to the right companies using keywords, thoughtful messaging, and a well-crafted LinkedIn profile.

Watch LinkedIn and the Art of Online Networking with Linda Sierra – Job Won

Engaging K-16 Students in Lifelong Learning

“Why does lifelong learning have to start at 25 when we can instill this at an earlier age?” asks Edward Abeyta, Associate Dean, Community Engagement and Pre-College Programs at UC San Diego Extension. Being engaged in learning no matter the educational or career path you choose is vital to obtaining the skills and mindset you need to succeed. Abeyta outlines the programs UC San Diego is driving to engage K-16 students in not only thinking about their futures but building a skillset that can take them there. Hear how communities, industries and universities are working together to pilot programs that prepare students for college and careers.

Watch Career Ready and College Ready: Helping K-16 Students Succeed with Ed Abeyta – Job Won

The New World of Work

“It’s all about the talent,” says Mary Walshok, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor for Public Programs and Dean of Extension at UC San Diego. “Regions that are developing people across the spectrum of employment opportunities – not just rocket scientists but welders – are regions that have much more competitiveness.” How does where you live stack up and how do you develop the skill set to succeed in the modern global job market? On this edition of Job Won, Walshok joins host Phil Blair to discuss the need for job seekers, as well as cities, to embrace adaptability, the impact of project-based learning, and how to effectively bundle your skills.

Watch The New World of Work: Regional Competition, Adaptability, and Modern Skill Sets with Mary Walshok – Job Won

Job Won: Jump Start Your Job Search

Whether you are looking to make a career transition or interviewing for your first job, UCTV’s Job Won series has the information you need. Experts in networking, resumes, the global job market and more join host Phil Blair, Executive Officer of Manpower West, to discuss skills and strategies all jobseekers should have in their back pocket.
Learn how to sell yourself in an interview, how to approach your first networking event, and where the jobs are now. Job Won highlights the essentials to help you build a career you’re passionate about.

Browse more programs in The Career Channel

New Ventures from UCSB Students

After eight months of activities and curriculum the UCSB New Venture Competition culminated with six teams presenting a pitch and a question-and-answer session for a panel of expert judges and an enthusiastic audience of peers, faculty and mentors.

The finalist teams, pared down from an initial pool of 32, represented diverse technologies and industries. The top six teams were: MoreSolar, utilizing wind power as a novel method for cleaning solar panels to increase efficiency; Adomi, addressing California’s housing shortage with a scalable solution that is also profitable to homeowners; Okra Systems, software for engineers that streamlines the process of selecting and qualifying microcontrollers; Snip, a social media platform for podcast lovers that allows users to curate and share podcasts; Soilight utilizing the microbes in soil to provide energy for low-powered applications; and Veneta, a web- and mobile-based software service that streamlines inventory management research labs.

Meet these young tech entrepreneurs and see who landed in the top spot.

Watch 2018 New Venture Competition Finals