As the second anniversary of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic approaches, the world looks significantly different than it did nearly two years ago. According to recent statistics, the virus has infected more than 383 million people and has caused nearly 5.7 million deaths, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in history.
The world needed to rapidly change. Strict rules were put into place that saw many countries across the globe come to a sudden standstill in an attempt to confine the spread of COVID-19 during the early stages of the pandemic. As scientists learned more about the virus, social distancing and mask wearing became commonplace.
With the release of a vaccine, there was hope that a return to “normalcy” may be possible; that we could begin living as we did before the word ‘COVID’ became a part of our daily lexicon.
But will that ever be the case? Or will COVID-19 remain a part of our lives similarly to the flu?
These are important questions as we continue to adapt to living in a COVID world. Experts at UC San Diego are working to find answers using epidemic modeling and data-driven approaches. They are looking at the promise of proteins as anti-viral COVID-19 therapeutics. And they are analyzing what we’ve learned about disease transmission, and what mutations of the virus could mean for the future of this pandemic.
Watch Deep Look into COVID-19: Adapting to a COVID World.